Are You Growing Where You Are Planted?

In this time of our lives we need to be grounded firm in our faith and have a strong foundation. I have heard the saying, “Bloom where you are planted“, and you know that can be one of the hardest things for some people to do.

What Does It Mean To Bloom?

  • To mature into achievement of one’s potential.
  • To flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence.
  • To shine out.


When you are listening to the voice of God and doing his word, you will know that your in the right place in life. Finding your place is not easy, if your not listening to that still small voice directing your life.

Practice listening by Praying, Worshiping with music and soaking in the Spirit of God.

You will Grow and Bloom when you realize that where ever you are, you have the best opportunity to excel in All you put your mind and hard work to.

So, Bloom where you are Planted, don’t waste your time complaining about things going on around you.

Dig in, Grow deep roots, Listen & Learn and Grow Strong!

You Will Bloom and Flourish when you are Planted in Strong Ground!

Listen to the Voice of God, He will lead and guide you…




reference: It’s Your Choice