Keep Your Joy When Life Gets Overwhelming


Life can be hard at times. When we have people pulling us here and there and wanting to fill us with more worries it can be to much. There are to many voices all around trying to steal our peace.

I know I have to remember to not listen to all the noice because when I get side tracked I miss up and get blamed for everything usually. It’s not fare how flesh can trick us and make us think one thing so we don’t focus on what’s really happening around us. But that’s life, when we feel our weakest, life will slap you in the face wanting you to give up and give in to all the lies.

When I’m at my weakest is usually when I make a mistake that comes back to bite me . It will throw everything its got at us to break us, but we have to hold our ground and believe God will fight our battles. Recently I did something foolish that I could have avoided if I had admitted I wasn’t doing good or feeling well. It’s so easy to just push ourself over and over untill making a decision is hard to do and then we make the wrong one.

I have learned to be careful with what/who I allow in my life, because people will see our weakness and take advantage of it. We may think no no-one can tell what I’m going through but don’t be deceived the old devil has his demons watching us waiting for those weak moments to send in attacks against us. During those times we have to have our armor of God on or we will be struck and hurt.

When you are getting people that are texting, calling, and being rude about others that’s when your red flag should go up and say goodbye. Especially when it’s day after day, please don’t get caught off guard like I did. It doesn’t feel good, it makes health issues worse physically and mentally. I personally regret loosing my focus on what matters, and that’s resting in the arms of God and being in his will and praying for others. I don’t want to get weak again, I will ask for help/prayer.

Loosing peace of mind and spirit was not worth it.

God reminded me that He will take care of everything the enemy tries to do and I only have to hold my peace and not give in. It’s never worth loosing mine or your peace over anything.

When Life Gets Overwhelming Keep Your Peace and Be Still, God Will Fight Our Battles Every Time If We Let Him!

May you always be blessed with peace,
