Every year, we go on some great getaways with our kids and have the best family vacations. Some back story about our family.

We used to never go on a vacation, just a day trip or a night or two away because it was so expensive and took a lot of time getting everyone and things together.

My husband is a very hard worker, he provides and cares for our family never thinking of his self.

He is the most amazing man of God I know, but he was worn out after just a day or two getaway, then back to work, he goes. He deserved a real vacation.

Family Trip

We went to Gatlinburg, TN. for a few days with the kids and did a tour so we could get our room cheaper:)  That day changed our lives, about how we saw Vacations.

Ever since then, we have taken a vacation once or twice a year. One thing we learned fast was that when you stay a week away, it is wonderful and you are so refreshed, relaxed, and renewed.

It makes you want to plan your next trips.

We realized how important it is to make and hold memories that are special to us. Our children were only 13, 7, and 5 years old at the time.

It hit us in the face how fast they were growing up, and we wanted them to have wonderful memories of us all together having fun on our trips.

So we have been to Gatlinburg, TN as I said:) Orlando, Fl., Branson, Mo., Daytona, Fl. (one of my favorites), Pensacola, Fl., Fairfield Glade, Arkansas, Anna Marie Island, Fl., Crossville, Tn., Helen, Ga.,

Panama City, FL., we have been to a few of these a couple of times and made amazing memories together, our kids are 25, 19 and, 17 now, and we would do it all again for every smile, laugh, and hug was worth every dime spent.

Finding the Perfect Place

I always enjoyed looking for our Vacations, while searching for the right place to go, which would take me a while, sometimes weeks or more.

I would get lost in the places I was looking at and feel just like I was there. Those are my quiet times of just relaxing and searching for the perfect Vacation with no worries.

That’s my hope for you here, that as you search for your perfect Getaway, you’ll find yourself in a relaxed, peaceful mindset and the right Vacation will be not far away!

Enjoy Life,



  1. I also enjoy looking for vacations and joined a club called Jack’s flight where cheap flight details are sent out to members on daily basis. Checking for getaways is a time consuming business such that when you eventually get to your destination you feel relieved.

    I love the pictures of your destinations. It was nice to read of your lovely experiences. Getting away with the family is very rewarding. Hopefully I’ll be reading of your adventure outside America soon.

    1. Thank you, I’ll look into the Jack’s flight. I would love to travel outside of America, hopefully I’ll be able to soon. There are so many Beautiful places to explore. 



  2. Hello Renea, this is a very good post to tell us about how you and your family started off with your vacation journey. The first time must have been a very long time ago. Not so many people actually like travelling but this is something that I have found to be a hobby for me. I do not do that very much with my family though but this vacation really has to be with them.

    1. Yes it was in 2008 when we really started taking long vacations. We have loved it ever since:) Having Family time can bring a closness that a lot of families never experience. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!



  3. I loved your article on “Searching for Vacations”.  I too remember when my children were young.  They grow so quickly and if you don’t take the time – it is your loss.  I was happy when I got to the end of your article and realized you didn’t lose your moments.  Thank you for also giving me another way to look at the process of looking for a perfect spot.  I am now calmly going to go search for my 60th birthday destination.  Love and Light

    1. They do grow so quickly:) but how thankful we are for amazing memories to cherish. I know you will find that perfect 60th birthday destination. Have a Wonderful Birthday!! 



  4. I really enjoyed reading your experience looking for places for vacations. It’s very important to take breaks of at least one week of vacation. We will return more rested and relaxed to be able to face our work with more force. 

    There are many places where our children can also have a great time. There are trips full of adventures that we will never forget. We also have beautiful places here in Argentina for family vacations. 

    Thank you very much!

  5. Wow, you must have a very beautiful family there. I like the fact that you can give us a little hint into how your vacation all started and the number of places you have been to as well. I must confess that it is very nice to see you talk about this and how to find the best places for vacation. I also want to start going out of home for my vacation too just like your family.

    1. Thank you so much! Families can grow closer together when spending quality time together. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!



  6. If you want to before all the hustling and bustling then a vacation is what you need. I work at a traveling agency for a good number of years and I studied that most people want to go on vacations, but do you know their problem is they don’t know where to go, and it’s necessary to plan your vacation well so you won’t incur unwanted expensive.

    1. That is so true! We have done that before, just decided to jump in the car an go some where, and wasted a lot of money that way. Planning is key to any vacation. Thank you! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!



  7. This is a very important topic that cannot be overemphasized as a vacation has a very positive effect on the well being of the general body because when you are on vacation you are free from work stress, house chore’s, children disturbance, all you think of is enjoy. Stay where ever you want, that’s why you choose the right place to stay. Your vacation is very important.

    1. Yes it is, Vacations can make such a big difference in ones life. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!



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