You never know what life will bring you. One moment, you are doing great, with no worries, carefree, having fun with your family and friends. The next moment, Boom, you are hit in the head with worries, health issues, depression, stress, money problems… the list goes on and on. No, you are not prepared to deal with all this, and you don’t want to have any issues like this.
Our minds think this is not fair; why us? Why is this happening? Can’t we just not think about it and be happy and live like everything is ok?
But reality hits, and we realize this is life, real life, and life goes on even in the midst of trials good or evil(bad). We have to deal with all the emotions and go on living the best we can.
Our Emotions
I have dealt with so much my whole life sometimes, I just wanted it to all be a dream, and then there are the wonderful times with my hubby and kids that I just want the moments to last forever.
Do you ever just want to either scream or go into a dark room and be numb with no one around? It’s so easy to get to a point where you are tired of dealing with life and just want to be happy and live a full life with your family again.
If it had not been for my faith in God Jesus Christ, I would not be here today. Only He knows what all we go through, and Thank God for prayer warriors in the kingdom of God because, without them, a lot of us would not be here.
My faith is what sees me through all the pain and issues of life. I know that God will see us all through our trials all we have to do is Believe and Trust God.
We were given a free choice by God.
It’s our choice to do good or evil(bad), which will you choose?
People are all the time blaming God for the bad things that happen in their lives or in the world, but they forget one major thing.
Choice: what choices have they made to impact their life or the world?
Every day we make choices for good or evil(bad) things, we decide our fate by doing whats right or giving in to evil.
I believe that so many times, the things we think God has taken away from us are only to protect us or protect others because of our choices.
Use your choice and make the right decisions.
Jesus used his choice to Save our Lives.
Are we truly ready to Choose wisely?
What will Your Choice Be?
Good or Evil(Bad)
I choose Good for my future and my family’s future. It’s too easy to focus on all the evil in the world and what we are going through.
All we have to do is Believe and Trust in God. He will get us through all things, and we will be stronger in Him.
Jesus Loves You!!
Make the right choice.
Blessings to you and your family,
Renea Jackson
Hi Renea Jackson! I hope you are doing well! I am glad I came across your post. Thank you for sharing. “Don’t not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”. Because the evil would be defeated by the good. Much good to you, your family and everyone. God bless!
Bes wishes
Thank you for your feed back!!
Yes, like is real. Its like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get. Most of us have our ups and down in life. I think we just to take it one step at a time and deal with it one at a time. And we are most thankful for our free of choice in religion and many other things. Topic is refreshing to our thoughts and mind, I find it hard to read your post because of the color choice, but thats just me maybe others can see it well.
Thank you for your comments! I will look at changing the colors:)