Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life and Live

Have you ever been at a place in life where you just didn’t want to do anything, but just sit or go through the same thing day after day?

I sure have, and it stinks, really stinks, getting caught in that trap of life. It can lead you down some lonely roads and dark ones, too.

Let’s be real, when life gets hard, people leave, things don’t go your way… It’s so easy to get depressed and throw up our hands. BUT… we do have other choices…

1. We can shack it off

2. We can keep going like it never happened

3. Deal with it and don’t look back

4. Give it to God and Let it go

5. Always seek wisdom and direction for your life

How is life going to get better for me?

When you seek out God and ask Him to give you peace, love, and wisdom. He will give you your answers All you have to do is want to be closer to Him and seek the will of God for your life.

Write down your vision, dreams… bucket list…

How will you start making this come to pass, start with the easiest thing on your list and work your way up the list.

If you can’t think of anything, start with:

  • watch a comedy movie
  • fly a kite
  • dance to your favorite old songs
  • plan a week’s worth of dinners and make it happen
  • make a new friend once a month or more
  • Go out of your way to help someone else or volunteer in your community

Live A Full Life

When you Enjoy your life through all its ups and downs, you will have lived a full life.

Enjoying life is easy when you stop stressing over the little things in life and pick your battles wisely.

Life is too short to stress, so live a life that you will look back on and smile, knowing you had a full, happy life.

A life strong in your faith, bringing people into the kingdom of God, showing the love of God everywhere you went.