Trust In Jesus, He Cares For You!!

Are You Listening

Listen, Listen, Do you hear that still small voice among all the other loud voices around you, telling you or nudging you in the right things to do or what is right for you in this time of your life.

Be careful who you listen to, because they will pull you away from that still small voice telling you the wrong things to do and lead you in the wrong directions in your life.

Always remember that still small voice has good plans for you and is directing you in the right path for your life, it’s up to you to decide whose voice you will listen to.

  • What do you think is the most distracting thing that pulls a person away from the voice of God?
  • How do we get to the point that we don’t want to listen to the voice of God anymore?
  • What Makes a person want to be so scared to just listen to what other voices say and ignore Gods voice?


Fear of the unknown holds us back from doing what is right or listening to the right voice. Remember that you do have choices but there are consequences of the actions we take.

Depending on the choices you make will result in good and bad happening in your life. Most of the time we make our choice and something bad happens.

That’s when we blame it on someone or something else, but we know that it was our choice to start with to make that decision.


We can choose to listen to what is right and do God’s will in our lives. It’s just up to us to decide if we will Listen to Him and Obey!

There are so many benefits of listening to God’s Voice:

  • Protection
  • Favor
  • Pointing You in the Right Direction for Your Life
  • Gives You Understanding
  • Wisdom
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Joy……

Find simple truths from Isaiah 50:4-5 to help you listen to God and embrace truth today

1. The Holy Spirit enables us to listen to God productively

God is speaking to us every time we open our Bible. Living and active, the Holy Spirit draws our attention to specific truths. He guides our understanding. He is the Spirit of Truth.

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth… John 16:13



2. When God speaks through His Word, we experience God

Open your heart and Soul when reading the Word of God and recieve from Him.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.–John 14:26.

3. Practice helps us to recognize God speaking through His Word

Listen to God Daily.

Every morning start your day with God, Reading His Word and Praying for His will to be done in your life and others around you.

Throughout your day Pray to God, even if it’s a Thank you, God for your Blessings or your Protection Father God!

End your day with Thanksgiving to God for all He has done for you and Pray for Protection and Wisdom in yours and your families life.

Consistency of listening to God isn’t a skill that is gained in a day, but built over time.

Be sensitive to the Spirit of God.



4. Listening begins with God

How interesting it is that most activity is on Gods part. He reaches out to you to speak and show himself to you.

God gives to you

God wakens your spirit

God opens your body, soul and spirit


Our only part is to Respond



5. Listening to God equips us to minister to others

When we listen, we are prepared to minister to others. God prepares us to help others by teaching us how to know His voice and listen to what He says.


Our desire should be to see the lost saved and helping build their Faith and Relationship with God. Seeing people grow closer to God and Learning His Voice are so powerful.

When you see a life changed because of you listening to God and Obeying, you will never be the same.

God desires more for your life, Listen and Obey Him, God has many Blessings to use through you.



Our willingness to listen to God can impact our ability to minister to others


6. Listening to God changes us

God changes our lives as He opens our ears to hear, awakens our spirit man, and we respond and do the will of God.

We know listening takes practice. Jesus knows his sheep and his sheep know his voice because they spend time together.


The more you spend time with your Lord and Savior Jesus, the closer you are to Him and hear His voice. Then you want to do His will in your life. God is a Father and Friend that will Always be there for you, if you will only Believe!


Enjoy Life,
