Knowing Jesus – A Personal Relationship

Knowing Jesus – Having A Personal Relationship

Having a personal relationship with Jesus is knowing Jesus and communicating with Him through Prayer, Worship, Reading/Learning/Studying the Bible and Fasting.

Have you ever wanted to know someone and didn’t know how to communicate to them? It can be so frustrating let along heart breaking not knowing how to open up to them. When we become Christians we have an open opportunity to grow closer to our Savior. It is up to us to go after all God has for us in life. Most people never grow to their full potential in God, because they think I’m saved and going to Heaven and everything will be great for me.

When we ask for forgiveness and feel clean for the first time, that is the best feeling ever. The sad part is most believers stop there and are content knowing they are going to Heaven and think that’s all there is.

Knowing Jesus and having a personal relationship with Jesus starts with wanting to grow and mature as a Christian. As a believer in Christ we have the privilege to walk out our life with no fear but knowing that the Faith, Love, Joy and Peace of God will rest upon us as long as we believe.

Drawing Close To God

There is a longing inside us for more, we are always looking or some people chasing after things to fulfill that longing. I want you to take some time and lay back clear your mind and close your eyes, take a deep breath and let it out slowly, do that 2 more times and relax.

Do you feel the quite?

Do you sense Gods presence with you?

Open your heart and let it cry out more, for more of the Savior, that’s what the longing inside us is. We were created by God, we were formed in our mother’s womb by the loving hand of God and our spirit cries out for Him.

Are you ready to draw closer to God? He is waiting for you to step closer to Him and cry Abba Father, I want all you have for me, fill me with your spirit and show me your ways.

When we realize that the longing inside us has always been for our creator to know Him more and to have a relationship with Him our Savior. That is when we will grow and start knowing who Jesus is and how we can find out His will for our life and do it.

Really Knowing Jesus Will Make Us A Stronger Believer

To really Know Jesus, The Father God and The Holy Spirit you have to have Faith Believing that God sent His one and only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and that Jesus Rose from the grave defeating death and that we His people(children of God) will Reign with Him Forever in Eternity.

When our Faith is unwavering and we have our focus on the Will of God for our life we will start going after the things of God and helping the Kingdom of God to grow and mature into what God has longed for all these years.

“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”
(Hebrews 11:6 ESV)

Seeking God With All Our Heart

Here are some practical ways to Seek and deepen your relationship with God:

1. Prayer

  • Daily Prayer: Spend time in prayer every day, talking to God, expressing your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Thanking and telling God how much you love Him.
  • Listening in Prayer: Allow time to be still and listen for God’s voice or guidance during prayer.

2. Reading Scripture

  • Daily Bible Reading: Regularly read the Bible to understand God’s Word and His will for your life.
  • Meditation on Scripture: Reflect deeply on specific verses or passages, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal their meaning to you.

3. Worship

  • Personal Worship: Spend time worshiping God through music, singing, or simply reflecting on His goodness.
  • Corporate Worship: Join a church community to worship together, which can strengthen your connection to God and others.

4. Obedience to God’s Commands

  • Living Out His Teachings: Apply the principles and commands found in the Bible to your daily life.
  • Repentance: Regularly confess sins and seek God’s forgiveness, striving to live a life that honors Him.

5. Fellowship with Other Believers

  • Join a Small Group: Connect with other believers in a small group setting for Bible study, prayer, and mutual support.
  • Serve Together: Participate in ministry or service opportunities to express God’s love in practical ways.

6. Practicing Gratitude

  • Thanksgiving: Regularly thank God for His blessings, both big and small, cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
  • Journaling: Keep a journal of prayers and God’s answers, reflecting on His faithfulness.

7. Fasting

  • Fasting for Focus: Set aside specific times to fast and pray, focusing more intently on seeking God’s presence and guidance.
  • Spiritual Renewal: Use fasting as a way to humble yourself and seek spiritual renewal.

8. Seeking God’s Will

  • Discernment: Seek God’s will in your decisions, asking Him for wisdom and direction.
  • Surrender: Be willing to surrender your own desires and plans to align with God’s purpose for your life.

9. Living Out Love

  • Love Others: Actively love and serve others, reflecting Christ’s love in your relationships and actions.
  • Forgive: Practice forgiveness, letting go of grudges, and extending grace to others as God has extended it to you.

10. Reflection and Silence

  • Quiet Time: Set aside regular time for silence and reflection, allowing yourself to be in God’s presence without distractions.
  • Fellowship with God : Offer yourselve in faith and openness to God, spending time in silence with our Beloved, who, we Trust, He longs to spend that time with us.

11. Studying Theology

  • Understanding God’s Nature: Deepen your understanding of who God is by studying the Word of God. Knowing He is the Beginning and the End.

12. Living Out Your Faith Publicly

  • Share Your Faith: Talk about your relationship with Jesus and share the Gospel with others.
  • Testimony: Share your personal testimony of how God has worked in your life, encouraging others in their faith.

Each of these actions can help deepen your relationship with God. The key is consistency and sincerity in seeking to know Him more intimately.

Jesus Loves You and has a plan for your life and All of His peoples lives. Always remember ” you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” 1 Peter 2:9

Go after God and receive everything He has for you and your children and all generations to come. When we have a strong foundation built on God we can accomplish anything.

I encourage you to seek God and Know Him!

Jesus is the answer for the world!

We are His, Hands and Feet and Speak His Words.

Are You Ready To Grow and Mature into Everything God has for you?

Believe me, God is Saying:

He is Ready for His Children to Rise Up and Be All He has Called Us To Be!

Blessings to you and your family,
